Is there something intrinsically bad about indoctrination, or is it held in disfavor only because of its general tendency to produce bad results? Whereas positivists accept an objective, apprehendable reality, post positivists acknowledge an objective reality that is only imperfectly apprehendable (Lincoln & Guba, 2000). Can reason itself be neutral, or must we always understand it in context? are all relevant matters. How should we determine whether a student has learned enough, and how much actually qualifies as 'enough? It is also note worthy that social constructivism has been criticised fro being too dependent of participants views and experiences and also being too subjective to researcher interpretation (Lincoln and Denzin 1994). For example, some feminist philosophers argue that it is important for boys and girls to master both masculine and feminine roles and abilities. How does learning such principles affect moral behavior? Others challenge the coherence of such a project, on the grounds that the narrative of domination and justice is itself flawed, and so any political attempts to undermine the former and enhance the latter cannot be justified. Followed by a discussion on the preferred philosophy which will be adopted for the research project, i.e. One group of issues is epistemological in nature. Abstract This article reflects on different conceptions of educational philosophy, their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the dispositions of the critical thinker noted above suggest that the ideal of critical thinking can be extended beyond the bounds of the epistemic to the area of moral character, leading to questions regarding the nature of such character and the best means of instilling it. My thoughts are - As most of philosophy is theory, there are no real answers discovered, just items that can or cannot be proven. As in my work I c This curriculum was designed at first to impart knowledge to learners through a method of teacher cantered approach OBE (Outcome Based Education). Behavioral theory focuses on observable and measurable behaviors, which can lead to a lack of understanding of underlying motives and causes of behavior. Overview 3 The chaos and noisiness of the classroom To better understand philosophy we must look throughout history. and partnership firms. . Thinking that its subjective or optional; when in reality most simply miss the forest for the trees. Such criticisms aimed not only at the tacit assumptions of educational content and pedagogy, but also questioned traditional views concerning the universality and neutrality of reason' and critical thinking, and even of knowledge and truth. A goal for both is an explanation that leads to prediction and control of phenomena. For Dewey, progressive education prepared children to live in a democratic society by teaching them the importance of participation, first in school and then in life. ), philosophy of science (e.g., is intelligent design a genuinely scientific theory? The issue of legitimate authority has been raised recently in the United States in connection with the practice of standardized testing, which some critics believe discriminates against the children of some racial, cultural, religious, or ethnic groups (because the test questions rely, implicitly or explicitly, on various culturally specific cues or assumptions that members of some groups may not understand or accept). How should we determine whether a student has learned enough, and how much actually qualifies as 'enough? Despite some important differences between the positivist and post positivist paradigms, the two perspectives share much in common (Lincoln & Guba, 2000; Ponterotto, 2002). Throughout history, many philosophers argued about issues like religion, morality, language, politics, and just about anything you can think of. ), and psychology (e.g.,do IQ tests discriminate against members of certain minority groups?) Thus a distinguishing characteristic of constructivism is the centrality of the interaction between the investigator and the object of investigation. Thus you choose the path that can make you reach that goal. While representatives have the ability to differentiate between what they believe is right or wrong, most general ideas remain the same. With this, we may realize our minuscule role in the universe and begin to approach things more rationally. They mainly focused on answering what is the explanation of nature, also referred to as metaphysics. What should be taught in our schools? Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. In spite of the above acknowledged problems related with its utilization, the research project on leadership at Risxcel will utilise qualitative research due to the nature of the topic as well as my philosophical worldview position. Given that consideration of educations proper aims is of fundamental importance for the intelligent guidance of educational activities, it is unfortunate that contemporary discussions of educational policy rarely address the matter. What justifies the demands that teachers place on students? Irvine agrees with this notion; udging philosophical assumptions that a philosophy is useful if it fosters productive living and enhances our lives (Engler, 2009) -- perhaps what truly matters is simply the usefulness of these personality theories and that these theories attempt to make sense of the world in one way or another, regardless of their theoretical orientations, strengths and limitations. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual freedom and choice, and the inherent meaninglessness of life. Should parents or their children have the right to opt out of such material? Such views will be extracted from CEO, managers and staff as the researcher visits the context and seek an understanding of leadership styles prevailing at Risxcel, however such an understanding can only be made possible by seeking the views and perceived experiences of those working on leadership positions at the college. To choose without having a philosophy makes it even harder since you would be even more indecisive. Adopting Constructivism enables participants to give their subjective experiences which are socially and culturally constructed. Some feel that the appropriate response to the questions postmodernism raises is to be more vigilant and more reflective about the deep and often unjustifiable influences of a dominant culture, in order to strive for a more just and tolerant society. One example would be the question as to whether abortion is right or wrong. Do standard accounts of or courses in critical thinking favor and help to perpetuate the beliefs, values, and practices of dominant groups in society and devalue those of marginalized or oppressed groups? What is it to reason well? Who all had quotes that have been taught and have a lot of meaning, Aristotle quoted-At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst; a man who has no boundaries is a dangerous person, he also quoted-the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet; it is hard to study and have a family but the outcome is wonderful. Can an account be given of critical thinking that can be generalized across disciplines? It promotes lifelong learning and an education system that is constantly evolving. As with multicultural and postmodern schools of educational philosophy, feminism is beset with its own share of internal conflict. WebAccording to Gray (2021), the vaccinations cause an inflammatory reaction, which prompts the production of antibodies to fight the virus if it subsequently emerges. Copyright: 2022 University of Miami. Some argue that a show of equal respect involves treating alternative worldviews as uniformly legitimate; others maintain that we should approach these worldviews and our own with a critical eye, and that respect doesn't preclude us from judging particular beliefs as false, or particular values as incomplete. There are always two sides to every coin as there are different ways of looking at things, is what philosophy teaches us. Thomas Hobbes quoted- Understanding is nothing else than conception caused by speech; understanding can be caused by speech in many ways. Retrieved September 10, 2007, from Encyclopadia Britannica Online: It becomes paramount for post-positivists the development of numeric measures of observations and the study of the behaviour for individuals (Creswell 2009). WebEducational perennialism is a philosophy that stands for the idea of learning without end.. They share in the project of uncovering the relations of power in educational theory and practice, often aiming at a more comprehensive account of education, one informed by the values and beliefs of those groups that are traditionally ignored or excluded. Many different presidential candidates compete in order to become the representative of their selected political affiliation, which is usually democratic or republican. Philosophers are posed with the challenge of attempting to solve many of life's unanswerable questions. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Webschool children. These questions lead to limitless possibilities, broadened horizons, and freedom from what we know. These educators are concerned with developing good learners as well as good What are advantages and disadvantages of privatization? Dilthey believed that every lived experience occurs within a historical social reality. According to Hamilton (1994, p. 63), Kants position was that human perception derives not only from evidence of the senses but also from the mental apparatus that serves to organize the incoming sense impressions and that human claims about nature cannot be independent of inside-the-head processes of the knowing subject.. In addition, other religions define the value and framework that helps in identifying what is bad or right. Is the distinction really so obvious between education and indoctrination? These views in some ways challenge philosophy generally, and so a thorough treatment of these criticisms would involve issues in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of politics, and theories of meaning and truth, to name a few. He himself belonged to the upper strata. The answer to this question, as to the others raised above, may depend in part on the status of the particular school as public (state-supported) or private. Idealism is not practical as it does not account for the realities of life. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Moral Education Also, some religious families where the forefathers were morally upright, individuals in the same background tend to support good morals (Doetzel. It is not obvious what critical thinking is, and philosophers of education accordingly have developed accounts of critical thinking that attempt to state what it is and why it is valuable. However to counter, this in the research project, reflexivity will be applied. WebHailey Coleman Mrs. complexities. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. In addition to the issues noted above post positivism and its research strategies would not be appropriate for the research project because post-positivist assumptions hold true more for quantitative research than qualitative research which is called sometimes the scientific method (Creswell 2009). A great deal of debate has focused on the effectiveness of this method:do such tests accurately reflect what students have learned? Which model of the mind is most appropriate? Students in a progressive-led classroom must learn from doing. For example, questions of metaphysics (e.g.,how are 'groups"to be individuated and understood? The constructivist position espouses a hermeneutical approach, which maintains that meaning is hidden and must be brought to the surface through deep reflection (see Schwandt, 2000; Sciarra, 1999). The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Another significant figure in the development of constructivism was Dilthey (1894/1977). Additionally, this theory does not address issues of morality or explain why some behaviors are considered deviant while others are not. Each of those required me to peer deeper into things like religion, politics, morality, peacefulness, language, and many other topics. Considering the method by which educators transmit beliefsprecluding students from engaging critically with these beliefs, by way of asking questions or demanding reasons; Should there be just one common curriculum for all students, or should the curriculum any one student follows be tailored to his or her special combination of interests and abilities, as John Dewey recommended? Relatedly, many feminist philosophers of education have questioned the focus traditional approaches to the philosophy of education place on those skills that are exercised in the public domainskills such as reason, objectivity, and impartiality. They argue that curriculum and pedagogy often reflect the interests of the dominant cultural group at the expense of others, and argue that the languages, customs, beliefs, and values of other worldviews deserve a place of equal respect in the classroom. He argued that this would allow students to connect their learning to the outside world and better understand the implications of their studies. Education prepares a man for the vision of absolute reality. Postmodern philosophers of education often question deep presuppositions that lie at the heart of our thinking about education:is objectivity possible? But it can also be asked whether private schools should enjoy more authority with respect to curricular matters than public schools do, particularly in cases where they receive state subsidies of one form or another, or where the content of the curriculum could be considered harmfully misleading to the students. Should schools encourage students to be reflective and critical generally, or should they refrain from encouraging students to subject their own ways of life to critical scrutiny? they are able to reason welli.e., to construct and evaluate various reasons that have been or can be offered for or against candidate beliefs, judgments, and actions; and WebIntroduction. But if we are to take such accounts seriously, we must also consider whether or not indoctrination can be avoidedand if it cannot, whether we should be so quick to eschew it. These movements also often question the very possibility of universal educational ideals. Others challenge the coherence of such a project, on the grounds that the narrative of domination and justice is itself flawed, and so any political attempts to undermine the former and enhance the latter cannot be justified. This also means significant changes in terms of the work program, teacher education, method of work and the manner of assessment of achieved results. In such controversial cases, what power should members of allegedly disadvantaged groups have to protect their children from discrimination or injustice? For a Christian religion supports people should love one another. The process of inclusion contains a different valuable system and a different philosophy of education is based on this process. Is our Western notion of rationality sufficiently neutral to justify its place in pedagogy, or are there other valuable alternatives being overlookedundervalued types of thinking sometimes associated with other groups, such as women, nonwhites, and non-Westerners? Philosophy is a very important part of peoples lives. Some have argued that any sort of grading or evaluation undermines cooperation, demoralizes students, and distracts from the real purpose of education. Though it all depends on the person that it is effecting. (2007). Overview From this point of view, this research will require an understanding community, i.e. WebEducation should be experiential: Counts believed that education should be experiential and involve hands-on, real-world learning. How best to resolve this problem remains the subject of debate among multicultural philosophers of education, with some opting for some form of cultural relativism and others for a compromise between multiculturalism and universalism. Are these tests racially discriminatory? What is it to reason well? What justifies the state in compelling children to attend school? WebAdvantages of Situational Ethics. Such questions raise doubts about all general theoriesof philosophy, education, or anything elseby suggesting that all such 'grand narratives"arise in particular historical circumstances and thus inevitably reflect the worldviews, values, and interests of the groups that happen to be dominant in those circumstances. Postmodern philosophers of education often question deep presuppositions that lie at the heart of our thinking about education:is objectivity possible? Still others join their postmodern counterparts, and view the notions of reason and objectivity themselves with distrust, on the grounds that these are problematically masculine concepts. All Rights Reserved. This site organized and edited by Haley Mathis; please send questions and comments Should academic study be favored over vocational educationif in fact there is even a clear distinction between the two? This position holds that human intellectual mechanisms are flawed and that lifes phenomena are basically intractable, and therefore, one can never fully capture a true reality. One of the tasks of the philosophy of education, accordingly, has been the elucidation of key educational concepts, including the concept of education itself, as well as related concepts such as teaching, learning, schooling, child rearing, and indoctrination. They argue that we should also place importance on emotional connection, sensitivity to others, compassion, and intuition, all of which are skills exercised in the private spheres of home and family. Still others join their postmodern counterparts, and view the notions of reason and objectivity themselves with distrust, on the grounds that these are problematically masculine concepts. (2007). In such controversial cases, what power should members of allegedly disadvantaged groups have to protect their children from discrimination or injustice? In this case, it is anticipated that being informed and directed of the post positivist paradigm would have make the study somewhat people -less (Kitchin 2006: 6) as it ignores their views and beliefs within a study population otherwise highly charged with these, given the subject of leadership. Core Questions The ensuing discussion explains why: The methodology to be used for the research will be influenced by social constructivism which is often in combination with interpretivism (Mertens 1998, Bryman 2008) because its underpinnings are appropriate to act in response to the leadership in Risxcel. Malaysia practices the quota system in its education ( especially in public universities ), public sectors ( i.e. WebAccording to Gray (2021), the vaccinations cause an inflammatory reaction, which prompts the production of antibodies to fight the virus if it subsequently emerges. The vaccine can potentially reduce the rate of infections and hospitalizations, boost economic activity, and provide a sense of safety to individuals. Furthermore, both paradigms operate from both a nomothetic and etic perspective. But if we are to take such accounts seriously, we must also consider whether or not indoctrination can be avoidedand if it cannot, whether we should be so quick to eschew it. Existentialism also encourages us to face death and our own mortality head-on. Plato quoted-Good actions give strength to ourselves and in spire good actions in others; one good deed spreads like wild flowers. Does the aim of educating children for their own good conflict with the aim of educating them for the common good? It also looks at the presuppositions and arguments behind various educational theories. Is reason itself, as some feminist and postmodern philosophers have claimed, a form of hegemony? Finally, moral issues in the philosophy of education reflect important themes in meta-ethics, such as the tension between rationalist and sentimentalist schools:is moral education a matter of exposing students to ethical reasoning, or instead a matter of inculcating positive emotional dispositions, like empathy? Philosophy is as strong as science, philosophy can do alot of contribution to your understanding of reality in a subjective way and life itself, it The idea of learning without end constructivism was dilthey ( 1894/1977 ) in many ways sort of grading evaluation! Counter, this in the research project, reflexivity will be applied the for. Power should members of allegedly disadvantaged groups have to protect their children from or... Be the question as to whether abortion is right or wrong, most general ideas remain same... Of debate has focused on the preferred philosophy which will be applied always understand in! 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